Monday, March 31, 2008

Sculpture at the footy

Dally Messenger III, originally uploaded by deepwarren.

On Saturday me and DrP went to see Cathy unveil the months of hard work recreating Dally Messenger in bronze for the SFG. He's not too bad *wink. Later that night from the balcony, I got to see the young boozled fans of the Roosters wander out the gates stopping to rub the statue (in the way that only males fans can. Cause humping a leg is a man's way of telling ya, that he really, really likes you). That was kinda nice. Public sculpture is meant to be humped. It makes it human (and not scary cyborg hyper-real human that will come alive and kill you if you look at it wrong.

I also saw my first football match in the flesh. Which was quite a different experience to watching it on telly. Lots more space and you can't hear that scary sound of grown men running into each other. Or the thumps. Oh, and they had cheerleaders lost in the big green oval with pom-poms.

It is impossible to love and to be wise.
–Frances Bacon

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Bluebird in a palm tree

It has
long day.
it's not

*i feel slightly-lightly loon-like

Sunday, March 23, 2008

relaxed, but comfortable

relaxed, but comfortable, originally uploaded by deepwarren.

Moving. Is there anything more fucked?

Game's almost over. My life now fits in a 1.5m x2.1 meter space somewhere near Padstow. I've colonized a space in P's house as a temporary measure while I wait to move into the Beach house. My colony is about a 3ftx1ft space that is a sea of clothes, and bags, and only 4 or 5 hats.

The scree slope lives! The bare minimum (i've discovered) is about 7 pairs of shoes, 4 bags and a few hats, with a scattering of sketchpads and a vacuum cleaner. Now that's all a girl needs. I had to set free a few things... fly little paintings fly! But Scratchin Dog posed with them happily enough.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Studied Inepitude

It my recently coined word for people who rather than just admit that they simply can't do 'some-things' (technology for example, and there's no shame in that), will battle on (never asking for help, of course) leaving a trail of destruction and poorly thought-out excuses in their wake. The best excuse of course, is 'I didn't'... cause computers are mysterious quirky things who never have fingerprints all over's why we invented user accounts isn't it? To track?

And it gets to the point where you RUSH to do their work for them, cause frankly if you have to hear the internet described as a blocked pipe again, or a folder as being a basket of apples.. you'll simply scream. It's the gibberish that gets me. Listening as they then pile on some more. Like somehow that will help a person who's rung to say 'so that bloody piece of software/server has crashed again, hasn't it?'

There is only two answers. Yes or No.

*image copyrighted to Arthur Tess.

Monday, March 17, 2008

If it's pretty, will they come?

pest, originally uploaded by deepwarren.

I have to write up a mini-speech/presentation for work justifying the use of 'pretty' stuff. Not useability, and not navigation. Just those pretty little icons and pictures and boxes you use on webpages to say Look at ME!

To be honest the nav and useablitity (for better and worse) are already built into the educational LMS we use. Althought we get to modify (a little) and create depth and layers in the site, we don't get to change the basics or build a new (faster, leaner, cleaner, meaner) way. You think it would be obvious, don't you? That pretty pictures make people look. That the webis not meant to be ultalitarian wasteland of text, text and more text with a few baldly presented icons on the page.

Hell, if it was, would porn be soooo popular. Like the campfire, it seems to have been invented to allow men to be able see more bottoms. *parphased from tv sitcom men behaving badly

Pixs, icons, design elements improve readability of the page. They draw attention to the key points of an article simply because they stick out. The trick is to make them look smooth.

So why, when I have a project with an academic do they start with this phrases:
i don't care what it looks like.. colours? .. fonts..*shrug
i have no interest in the design..
you just do what you like..
and yet.. woe betide you if you deliver a badly coloured messy or god help you, dull back in their lap.

*I used the banner/icon above was for a project that would not be seen by anyone but the academic. Relevance to the topic..null. However I knew the moment they looked at the site, cause they emailed back with a quip.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Test lab bunny

Test lab bunny, originally uploaded by Andricongirl.

It's so sweet :)

Saturday, March 15, 2008

morning ross

leather, originally uploaded by deepwarren.

morning ross is just about as much fun as morning me.
still on the house hunt search. went and saw a great place (fantastic view) in clovelly, but it's more a mind-the-flat-with-the-old-flatmate for 2-3 months while the real flatmate is OS, and i'm not sure he took to me.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

monday blues

house hunting, originally uploaded by deepwarren.

Saw a few flats. Nothing to write home about.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Alex's Goat Curry

Alex made this for dinner the other night and it was fantastic. I'm going to attempt to make it next week. For dinner on Sunday night i'm trying out the world of goat in the slow cooker - with Rogan josh curry!

Curry paste
6cm galangal
3cm turmeric
5cm lemongrass (white part only)
1 onion
4 coriander roots
4 garlic cloves
5 dried small red chillies (soaked in water)
2 tblsp coriander seed
1 tblsp cumin seeds
1 cinnonman stick
2 teasp black-pepper corns
4 teaspns salt

Meat part

2 kilos goat meat - halal butchers on enmore rd does good goat
1 tablsp galangal powder
1.5 tablspn sugar
1 tablespoon olive oil
teaspoon of butter
10 fresh curry leaves
2 tablespoon yogurt
250ml chicken stock
250mls milk
540 ml tin of coconut cream
one bunch of rice paddy herbs (garnish)

Fry onion, garlic turmeric lemongrass etc till soften(ed). Add little water while frying.
Remove from heat. Pound into paste with mortar and pestle.
Pound into past, and ADD into the wet paste above. This is the curry paste.

Add goat + 1 teaspn of salt & sugar & galanga power into saucepan
cover with water
Bring to boil and simmer for 45mins
Cover with lid. Strain meat (ditch water).

Take the cooked meat, stock and milk and coconut cream, and add to saucepan
bring to boil the on low heat simmer for 45mins.

Bring to table with jasmine rice and viet ditch weed for garnish.

Back from the hunt

Been house hunting. The size of the shoebox somehow got smaller, while the price just got larger. I'm think Ashfield might soon be on the rader, or there is always Italian-town, and I've never ever wanted to live there.

The boy's rather guarded offer for me to move stuff into storage, and move into his place while *waiting* for a better place to turn up is sounding better and better with each weekend.

Honest. It is that bad. You can't swing a kitten in these places, let alone a cat.

On a more cheery chirpy note: I'm going to do a chuck out and you can look forward to seeing more public showings of art soon. And Cathy is going to be on TV. Ch9 wide world of sports *snort.

Still looking for an indian diner with starTV to watch you guys in your full bollywood glory. will let you know if we succeed. The drawing is from FIH pub on monday night. Henk, who I last drew about 5 years ago. He remembered. He's the same, but slightly older and a bit smaller. Still has a big cock though. Makes all yr efforts at drawing look indecent - like you just couldn't help adding a bit more :)

Friday surfing

Been surfing the land on online volunteers.
This has some interesting projects going.

Cool wallpaper project going on with the first few free ones up.

Sitting at work after hours playing with silly icons for next week. It nice here when no one's about. Going flat looking in Sydney's jaded over-priced rental market tomorrow. Wish me luck. Found a 2 bd place in marrickville for $220(!!!) Could it be possible?

The Boy is down the pub watching the rugby and having beers . 'bout to join him. It's all sideways here at work. There are more knives than backs.

Monday, March 3, 2008

The last hurrah

business time, originally uploaded by deepwarren.

Some years ago. 12 in fact. I had an boyfriend who left (as they do) for the home shores of england, meaning with all good intentions to come back, and could I just mind a few rolls of paintings and some other.. stuff. I did till now.

Recently I've had to house hunt again, and Paul's paintings have made their last hurrah in public, rather than be carried about for another 5 years. It seems strange to let them out in public, but a also a lot of fun.

Charts, posters and work

Need to make a poster for work. It has to demonstrate something!? I'd like to make something that shows how Design improves the use of a CE6 site. Like, if it doesn't look like shit..then they want to use it. was looking at the rather beautiful world of charts below
NY times