Monday, March 31, 2008

Sculpture at the footy

Dally Messenger III, originally uploaded by deepwarren.

On Saturday me and DrP went to see Cathy unveil the months of hard work recreating Dally Messenger in bronze for the SFG. He's not too bad *wink. Later that night from the balcony, I got to see the young boozled fans of the Roosters wander out the gates stopping to rub the statue (in the way that only males fans can. Cause humping a leg is a man's way of telling ya, that he really, really likes you). That was kinda nice. Public sculpture is meant to be humped. It makes it human (and not scary cyborg hyper-real human that will come alive and kill you if you look at it wrong.

I also saw my first football match in the flesh. Which was quite a different experience to watching it on telly. Lots more space and you can't hear that scary sound of grown men running into each other. Or the thumps. Oh, and they had cheerleaders lost in the big green oval with pom-poms.

It is impossible to love and to be wise.
–Frances Bacon

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