Monday, October 19, 2009


FromLeonard Gren

Someone once asked the interweb what the best joke in the world was. Strangely  enough the answer wasn't the best joke in the world ..

The joke that used to crack me up as an teen  was a version of the 'quit while you're a head' jokes.


Friday, October 16, 2009

Everyday art

Miracle, originally uploaded by Nad.

I love the idea that someone just can't help themselves scribbling in the sugar spilt on the table. Please god, I want this level of creativity in my daily life.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

40 days of hot yoga

A bit like the 40 days in the wilderness, the concept is to radically change your yoga practice by sheer immersion. I sound very baptist.

You know why Baptist's doin't allow pre-martial sex, right?
It might lead to dancing.

*boom tish.

I'm happing it's going to turn my head around and give me a sense of discipline I haven't had before (heh *insert adolecent giggle).

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


, originally uploaded by deepwarren.

I had a dream the other night that my teeth fell out. 2 of them. I haven't dreamed about teeth in years. The funny thing about painting is that it never really seems appropriate. It's not a social activity. People seem to think that painters are performers, and maybe good ones are.

But myself, I hate that slight-craning-of-the neck feeling you get from people when you're drawing or painting. It makes me feel like a trained dog when people approach asking me to 'draw them.. '.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

We all bin deer

Today's work day started with the usual squabble about who was going to get out of bed first and use the shower, leaving the other one to anther 10mins of bed warmth. I lost. Again.

Been in a funk for the last few weeks, ever since a friend visited. I've been radiating a distinct odour of wasn't my life meant to be different, interesting, some else? Which I decided yesterday had. to. stop. for my own mental health, if nothing else. So decided to do that bloody 40 day yoaga challenge, and pull the proverbial finger out and get moving.

So this morning I managed to do my electoral roll form, post the previous tenant's mail Back-to-sender, ..and write this blog post. It's movement.

For ultimate melancholy music listening .. i highly recommend Sia, an Australian artist from Adelaide. I got into her after seeing her on Rage one night, babbling about being 13 and deciding what job she wanted. Sia Furler - her website

And Fuji have brought out their own Polaroid .. Amazon is cheaper than Photojojo, if you do go down that path ;)

Fuji Instax Instant Camera