Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The value of a scribble

tv watching, originally uploaded by deepwarren.

There is something very calming about scribbling in front of the tv. You can watch almost any dross without flinching. I sat through 2(!!) episodes of NCIS with the sketchbook. I seem to not really be able to finish sketches at the moment. I get cranky and jsut scribble over them. The boredom of having nothing real to draw, me thinks..

The coolest video I've seen in ages
has been this short film (6mins) called MUTo which just rocks and makes me want to find a can of white paint, and a short blunt burnt stick and go scribble on walls.

international drawing day is coming up on June 7th. I'll be expected you to do a little drawing of whatever you end up doing that day.. and I'm trying to get some practice in now
Drawing Day 2008

Friday, May 9, 2008

Skull Popcorn

Skull Popcorn, originally uploaded by jnn_rsmn.

There is something quite weird about personal space. I never seem to realize that I need 'alone' time, till I'm by myself and then I want to go nowhere. Do Nadda. Just read, scrawl a little and play on the 'puter. I thought I'd turn the tv on a lot more now that I have one (in the house), but I still seem quite immune to the lure. Although considering the amount I get to watch at the other house that's possibly denial.

Have made it to Day 12 without even one sneaky puff. DrP has threatened no overseas trip in Aug if he caught me smoking which wasn't quite the positive reinforcement I was going for - but hell, I've made a bet and the payoff is Melbourne. So we'll see. This little bunny will be turning up OS with or without DrP. I don't need protection from the dangers of scratching dog. (*grin) The worst thing is that it's almost two weeks and I STILL keep thinking I want a ciggie.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

kitty cat lines

cat, originally uploaded by Joe McLaren.

It's so hard to draw a cat, and then you see someone make it real simple.

How to make a hot toddy

hot toddy, originally uploaded by deepwarren.

I've come down with a cold/flu couresty of DrP. I haven't take a day off work yet - not for any good reason i might add. But it's wednesday and I feel like a hot drink. So I thought the hot toddy might be the answer, and I've never really tried it.

According to the wiki a hot toddy is a cup of tea, with a healthy dose of lemon, honey and whiskey (or some variation of the above).

My recipe was to take a weak(ish) cup of tea (earl grey), plus half a lemon squeezed by hand.
Add 1 teaspoon of proper honey (has to be cold pressed pure honey - extra points for knowing the bees).
Add whiskey to taste..

It was surprising good.